#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright 2014, 2016 Software Freedom Law Center (www.softwarefreedom.org) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #Authors: Marc Jones , Daniel Gnoutcheff #Date: June 2016 #Version 0.3.0 #Added AVFS support ##TODO #need to verify that word score counts each instance, not just 0 or 1 #need to discount found words if they are substrings of common strings in text from optparse import OptionParser import os import os.path import re import sys import datetime import string import subprocess import avfs report = {} wordscore = {} filescore = {} filelist = list() skipped = 0 opened = 0 datasize = 0 progresstext = "" def sortscore(score, reverse=True): sortedscore = sorted(score.items(), key=lambda score: score[1], reverse=reverse) returnscore = [] for s in sortedscore: if s[1] > 0: returnscore.append(s) return returnscore def printscore(report): for i in report: print(i[0] + ':' + str(i[1])) def scorewords(report): for file in report.keys(): for word in report[file].keys(): if not word in wordscore: wordscore[word] = 0 if not file in filescore: filescore[file] = 0 wordscore[word] += report[file][word] return wordscore def weightreport(report, commonwords): notsuspiciousfiles = [] weightedout = 0 for file in report: suspicious = False filescore = 0 for word in report[file]: filescore += report[file][word] if filescore > 0: for word in report[file]: if report[file][word] > 0 and not word in commonwords: suspicious = True if not suspicious and filescore > 0: notsuspiciousfiles.append(file) for file in notsuspiciousfiles: report.pop(file) weightedout +=1 return report, weightedout def scorefile(report): for file in report.keys(): for word in report[file].keys(): if not word in wordscore: wordscore[word] = 0 if not file in filescore: filescore[file] = 0 filescore[file] += report[file][word] return filescore def summary(report): filescore = scorefile(report) text = "" for file in sortscore(filescore): text += file[0] + '(' + str(file[1]) + '):' for word in report[file[0]].keys(): if report[file[0]][word] > 0: text += word + '(' + str(report[file[0]][word]) + ');' text += '\n' return text def wholeword(word, string): re.purge() matches = [] if word.isdigit(): int(word) regexNum = r'([^0-9]|\b)(' + word + r')([^0-9]|\b)' mN = re.search(regexNum, string) if "groups" in dir(mN): matches.append(mN.groups()) else: regexU = r'([A-Z]|[^a-zA-Z]|\b)(' + word.lower() + r')([A-Z]|[^a-zA-Z]|\b)' regexL = r'([a-z]|[^a-zA-Z]|\b)(' + word.upper() + r')([a-z]|[^a-zA-Z]|\b)' mU = re.search(regexU, string) if "groups" in dir(mU): matches.append(mU.groups()) re.purge() mL = re.search(regexL, string) if "groups" in dir(mL): matches.append(mL.groups()) return matches def skipfile(filename,skippedexts): if not isinstance(skippedexts, list): return False for skip in skippedexts: if filename.endswith(skip): return True return False def scoretext(wordlist, text, maxwholewordlen = -1): score = {} ltext = text.lower() for word in wordlist: wordreg = word.replace('-', ' ') wordreg = wordreg.replace(' ', '['+string.punctuation+' ]?') if int(len(word)) > int(maxwholewordlen): matches = [] m = re.search(wordreg.lower(),ltext) if "groups" in dir(m): matches.append(m.groups()) score[word] = len(matches) else: score[word] = len(wholeword(wordreg,text)) return score usage = "%prog [options] DIRECTORY ... DIRECTORYN" epilog = "example: ./suspicious ../gitcheckout -s .tar -s .gz -s .bmp -s .zip -s .ppt -s .docx -s .pdf -s .xls -s .xlsx -s .gif -s .png -s .jpg -s .css -r fw -w cryptology.txt -c -p -l 3" parser = OptionParser(usage = usage, epilog = epilog) parser.add_option("-w", "--wordlist", dest="wordlistfilename", help="file containing all of the words to look for") parser.add_option("-s", "--skip", dest="skipfileextensions", help="file extensions to skip", action="append") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="print verberose information", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("-r", "--report", dest="printreport", default="wf", help="print score") parser.add_option("--show-wordlist", dest="show_wordlist", default=False, help="print list of words to detect", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-c", "--display-counts", dest="display_counts", default=False, help="Show the number of files processed", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-p", "--display_progress", dest="display_progress", default=False, help="show percentage complete", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-l", "--max-wholeword-length", dest="maxwholewordlength", type="int", default=-1, help="maximun length of a word allowed to only find matches on whole word") parser.add_option("-o", "--summary-file", dest="summaryfile", help="name of the file to store the summary in") parser.add_option("-x", "--display-summary", dest="displaysummary", default=False, help="Display a summary from the summary file", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-X", "--dont-display-summary", dest="dontdisplaysummary", default=False, help="Dont Display a summary after running a scan", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-k", "--commonwords", dest="commonwordfilename", help="file containing commmon words that allow do not indicate a suspicious file") parser.add_option("-t", "--test", dest="test", default=False, help="Run internal tests on pattern matching", action="store_true") parser.add_option("--donotoptimizewordlist", dest="optimizewordlist", default=True, help="Reduce the number of words to look for by removing words from the wordlist that contain other words on the list as substrings", action="store_false") parser.add_option("--dontweightreport", dest="dontweightreport", default=False, help="If the only suspicious words in a file are common words, remove the file from the report", action="store_true") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.wordlistfilename: wordlist = list(set(open(options.wordlistfilename).read().lower().strip().split('\n'))) if options.commonwordfilename: commonwords = list(set(open(options.commonwordfilename).read().lower().strip().split('\n'))) if options.optimizewordlist and options.wordlistfilename: for word in wordlist: if len(word) > options.maxwholewordlength: for check_word in wordlist: if check_word.find(word)> 0: # print word + " in " + check_word wordlist.remove(check_word) break if options.show_wordlist: print(wordlist); exit() if options.displaysummary and options.summaryfile: report = dict() try: summaryfile = open(options.summaryfile) except: print("no summary file: " + options.summaryfile) exit() #sample input #../bzr.lf/lsb/devel/build_env/headers/x86-64/4.1/glib-2.0/gio/gmenuexporter.h.defs(1): export(1); for line in summaryfile: #find the file name which is before the matching parathsis before the last colon on the line filename = line[:line[:line.rfind(':')].rfind('(')] #find the total number of words found by locating the end of the filename and taking the number in parathesis right before the : totalfilecount = line[line[:line.rfind(':')].rfind('(')+1:line[:line.rfind(':')].rfind(')')] #find the list of words following the :, and split them by the ;, and then drop the last item on the list which is always a \n foundwords = line[line.rfind(':')+1:].split(';')[:-1] report[filename] = dict() for w in foundwords: w = w.strip() word = w[:w.find('(')] wcount = w[w.find('(')+1:w.find(')')] report[filename][word] = int(wcount) if options.commonwordfilename and not(options.dontweightreport): report, weightedfiles = weightreport(report, commonwords) if options.printreport: if options.printreport == "f": printscore(sortscore(scorefile(report))) elif options.printreport == "w": printscore(sortscore(scorewords(report))) elif options.printreport == "wf" or options.printreport == "fw": print(summary(report)) else: print(summary(report)) exit() #Run a search if not displaying a existing report prunedirs = {'CVS', '.git', '.bzr', '.hg', '.svn'} if len(args) > 0: for a in args: filelist.extend(avfs.find(a, prunedirs)) start = datetime.datetime.now() for file in filelist: if skipfile(file, options.skipfileextensions): skipped += 1 continue try: f = avfs.open(file) except: print("failed to open: " + file) continue opened +=1 now = datetime.datetime.now() estimate = (((now - start) / (opened + skipped)) * len(filelist)) if options.display_progress: if len(file)> 50: prog_file = file.split('/')[0] + "/.../" + file.split('/')[-1] else: prog_file = file print('\r' + " " * len(progresstext) + '\r', end='', file=sys.stderr) progresstext = str(((opened + skipped)*1.0/len(filelist))*100)[:5] + '% '+ " time left:" + str(estimate).split('.')[0] + ' ' + prog_file + '\r' print(progresstext, end='', file=sys.stderr) sys.stdout.flush() filecontents = f.read() datasize += len(filecontents) filenamescore = scoretext(wordlist, file, options.maxwholewordlength) filecontentsscore = scoretext(wordlist, filecontents, options.maxwholewordlength) report[file] = {} for k in filecontentsscore.keys(): report[file][k] = filenamescore[k] + filecontentsscore[k] #Clear screen of proggress text now that finished scoring file if options.display_progress: print('\r' + " " * len(progresstext) + '\r', end='') #Save summary as a file, but if the filename exists do not overwrite, append a number if options.summaryfile and len(filelist) > 0 and not options.displaysummary: summaryfilename = options.summaryfile counter = 0 while os.path.isfile(summaryfilename): counter +=1 summaryfilename = options.summaryfile + '.' + str(counter) try: if counter > 1: print("saving as " + summaryfilename + "....") summaryfile = open(summaryfilename, 'w+') summaryfile.write(summary(report)) summaryfile.close() except: print(report) print("error saving summary as " + summaryfilename) if options.commonwordfilename and not(options.dontweightreport): report, weightedfiles = weightreport(report, commonwords) if options.printreport and not options.dontdisplaysummary: if options.printreport == "f": printscore(sortscore(scorefile(report))) elif options.printreport == "wf" or options.printreport == "fw": print(summary(report)) else: printscore(sortscore(scorewords(report))) if options.display_counts: print("total files:" + str(len(filelist))) print("suspicious files:" + str(len(sortscore(scorefile(report))))) print("skipped files:" + str(skipped)) if options.commonwordfilename and not(options.dontweightreport): print("removed weighted files:" + str(weightedfiles)) print("searched:" + str(datasize) + 'B') print("time:" + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start).split('.')[0])