path: root/PTO.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PTO.hs')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/PTO.hs b/PTO.hs
index 01ffda8..19dd13f 100644
--- a/PTO.hs
+++ b/PTO.hs
@@ -5,32 +5,36 @@
module PTO where
import Import
-import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian, toGregorian, gregorianMonthLength, diffDays)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian, toGregorian, gregorianMonthLength, diffDays, addDays)
import Database.Persist.Sql (SqlBackend) -- this can't be good
accrual :: (Functor m, PersistQuery m, PersistMonadBackend m ~ SqlBackend) =>
UserId -> (Integer, Int) -> m Rational
accrual u' (y',m') = do
- [e'] <- fmap (map entityVal) (selectList [EmploymentUser ==. u'] [])
- return $ accrual' e' (y',m')
+ (e':es') <- fmap (map entityVal) (selectList [EmploymentUser ==. u'] [])
+ return $ accrualThisMonth (e':es') (y',m')
+accrualThisMonth :: [Employment] -> (Integer, Int) -> Rational
+accrualThisMonth es@(e1:es') (y,m) = baseRateAccrual + twoYearRateAccrual
- accrual' e@Employment{..} (y,m)
- | employmentStartDate > endOfMonth (y,m) = 0
- | fmap (\x -> x < startOfMonth (y,m)) employmentEndDate == Just True = 0
- | monthOf employmentStartDate == (y,m) = percent employmentStartDate (endOfMonth (y,m)) * baseLevel * toRational employmentCommitment
- | Just (y,m) == endMonth e && ((y,m) > monthOf (twoYearsFrom employmentStartDate)) = (percent (startOfMonth (y,m)) (fromJust employmentEndDate)) * afterTwo * toRational employmentCommitment -- FIXME or leave bug-compatible?
- | Just (y,m) == endMonth e = (percent (startOfMonth (y,m)) (fromJust employmentEndDate)) * baseLevel * toRational employmentCommitment -- FIXME or leave bug-compatible?
- | monthOf (twoYearsFrom employmentStartDate) < (y,m) = afterTwo * toRational employmentCommitment
- | (y,m) == monthOf (twoYearsFrom employmentStartDate) = toRational employmentCommitment * (((percent (twoYearsFrom employmentStartDate) (endOfMonth (y,m))) * (afterTwo - baseLevel)) + baseLevel)
- | otherwise = baseLevel * toRational employmentCommitment
- baseLevel = 104/12
- afterTwo = 12
- percent s e
- | monthOf s == monthOf e = toRational (daysInPeriod s e) / toRational (daysInMonth s)
- | otherwise = error "this should never happen"
- daysInPeriod s e = diffDays e s + 1 -- is this right or off-by-one?
- daysInMonth = uncurry gregorianMonthLength . monthOf
+ baseRateAccrual = baseLevel * sum (map (proportionOf tmBRRange) es)
+ twoYearRateAccrual = afterTwo * sum (map (proportionOf tmTYRRange) es)
+ proportionOf r emp = toRational (employmentCommitment emp) *
+ proportion (fromMaybe (Nothing,Nothing)
+ (r >>= rangeIntersection (employmentRange emp)))
+ thisMonthRange
+ employmentRange emp = (Just (employmentStartDate emp), employmentEndDate emp)
+ proportion (Just a,Just b) (Just a', Just b') = toRational (diffDays b a + 1) / toRational (diffDays b' a' + 1)
+ proportion _ _ = 0
+ tmBRRange = rangeIntersection brRange thisMonthRange
+ tmTYRRange = rangeIntersection tyRange thisMonthRange
+ startDate = employmentStartDate e1
+ brRange = (Just startDate, Just (addDays (-1) (twoYearsFrom startDate)))
+ tyRange = (Just (twoYearsFrom startDate), Nothing)
+ thisMonthRange = (Just (startOfMonth (y,m)), Just (endOfMonth (y,m)))
+ baseLevel = 104/12
+ afterTwo = 12
-- deductions :: PersistQuery backend m => (Integer, Int) -> Key backend (UserGeneric backend) -> backend m [Entity (TimeEntryGeneric backend)]
deductions (year,month) user = do
@@ -48,6 +52,7 @@ deductibles = do
||. [TimeCategoryName ==. "/admin/vacation"]) []
return $ map entityKey ds
+yearlySacrifice :: Num a => a -> a
yearlySacrifice hs = 160 - hs
-- monthlyTransactions :: UserId -> (Integer, Int) -> m (Rational, Double)
@@ -62,14 +67,18 @@ startOfMonth (year,month) = fromGregorian year month 1
endOfMonth :: (Integer, Int) -> Day
endOfMonth (year,month) = fromGregorian year month 32
-startMonth :: Employment -> (Integer, Int)
-startMonth = monthOf . employmentStartDate
-endMonth :: Employment -> Maybe (Integer, Int)
-endMonth = fmap monthOf . employmentEndDate
twoYearsFrom :: Day -> Day
twoYearsFrom = (\(y,m,d) -> fromGregorian (y+2) m d) . toGregorian
monthOf :: Day -> (Integer, Int)
monthOf = (\(x,y,_) -> (x,y)) . toGregorian
+rangeIntersection :: (Maybe Day, Maybe Day) -> (Maybe Day, Maybe Day) -> Maybe (Maybe Day, Maybe Day)
+rangeIntersection (a,b) (a',b') = let (c,d) = (newest a a', oldest b b') in if (c > d) then Nothing else Just (c,d)
+ where
+ newest Nothing x = x
+ newest x Nothing = x
+ newest (Just x) (Just y) = Just (max x y)
+ oldest Nothing x = x
+ oldest x Nothing = x
+ oldest (Just x) (Just y) = Just (min x y)