path: root/app
diff options
authorDaniel Gnoutcheff <>2021-08-10 17:59:01 -0400
committerDaniel Gnoutcheff <>2021-08-10 17:59:01 -0400
commite7e8e7f63caae067780bfe0074805d0a54aff951 (patch)
tree81aa1c8c473df1d77e5d1b79501b057f434c8a30 /app
First working version
Diffstat (limited to 'app')
2 files changed, 972 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb7836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+module Main (main) where
+import Network.XmlRpc.Internals
+import XMLParse -- Our slightly modified copy of Text.XML.HaXml.Parse
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO
+import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent (fromXml)
+import Text.XML.HaXml.Lex (Token (), xmlLex)
+import Text.XML.HaXml.Types (Document (..))
+import Text.XML.HaXml.Posn (Posn ())
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.State (stGet)
+import Control.Monad.Except (liftEither)
+import Text.Pandoc hiding (handleError)
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+type Stream = IORef [Token]
+type Callback = MethodCall -> IO MethodResponse
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
+ handleCalls =<< newIORef =<< xmlLex "<stdin>" <$> getContents
+handleCalls :: Stream -> IO ()
+handleCalls stream = do
+ let callback = callbackWith stream
+ mCall <- readCall stream
+ case mCall of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just call -> do
+ BSL8.putStrLn . renderResponse =<< case call of
+ MethodCall "import" [] -> handleImportCall callback
+ MethodCall "htmlize" args -> handleHtmlizeCall args
+ _ -> return (Fault 0 "Unknown method")
+ handleCalls stream
+readCall :: Stream -> IO (Maybe MethodCall)
+readCall streamR = do
+ stream <- readIORef streamR
+ case stream of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ _ -> Just <$> do
+ let (xml, stream') = xmlParseWith rpcMessage stream
+ writeIORef streamR stream'
+ handleError fail $ fromXRMethodCall =<< liftEither (fromXml =<< xml)
+callbackWith :: Stream -> Callback
+callbackWith streamR call = do
+ BSL8.putStrLn $ renderCall call
+ (xml, stream') <- xmlParseWith rpcMessage <$> readIORef streamR
+ writeIORef streamR stream'
+ handleError fail $ fromXRMethodResponse =<< liftEither (fromXml =<< xml)
+-- Modified version of XMLParse.document that doesn't wait for anything after
+-- the top-level element
+rpcMessage :: XParser (Document Posn)
+rpcMessage = do
+ p <- prolog
+ e <- element
+ (_,ge) <- stGet
+ return $ Document p ge e []
+handleImportCall :: Callback -> IO MethodResponse
+handleImportCall callback = do
+ void $ callback $ MethodCall "hook"
+ [ ValueString "type", ValueString "htmlize"
+ , ValueString "id", ValueString "mdwn"
+ , ValueString "call", ValueString "htmlize"]
+ return $ Return ValueNil
+namedVals :: [Value] -> [(String, Value)]
+namedVals ((ValueString key):val:xs) = (key, val) : namedVals xs
+namedVals [] = []
+namedVals _ = error "arguments not in IkiWiki named-value form"
+handleHtmlizeCall :: [Value] -> IO MethodResponse
+handleHtmlizeCall args =
+ either (fail . show) return . runPure $ do
+ pdoc <- readMarkdown readOpts (T.pack mdwn)
+ Return . ValueString . T.unpack <$> writeHtml5String def pdoc
+ where Just (ValueString mdwn) = lookup "content" (namedVals args)
+ readOpts = def {readerExtensions = pandocExtensions}
diff --git a/app/XMLParse.hs b/app/XMLParse.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23f834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/XMLParse.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
+-- A copy of Text.XML.HaXml.Parse with seemingly obvious additions to the
+-- export list
+module XMLParse
+ (
+ -- * Parse a whole document
+ xmlParse, xmlParse'
+ -- * Parse just a DTD
+ , dtdParse, dtdParse'
+ -- * Parse a partial document
+ , xmlParseWith
+ -- * Individual parsers for use with /xmlParseWith/ and module SAX
+ , document, element, content
+ , comment, cdsect, chardata
+ , reference, doctypedecl
+ , processinginstruction
+ , elemtag, qname, name, tok
+ , elemOpenTag, elemCloseTag
+ , emptySTs, XParser
+ , prolog
+ -- * These general utility functions don't belong here
+ , fst3, snd3, thd3
+ ) where
+-- An XML parser, written using a slightly extended version of the
+-- Hutton/Meijer parser combinators. The input is tokenised internally
+-- by the lexer xmlLex. Whilst parsing, we gather a symbol
+-- table of entity references. PERefs must be defined before use, so we
+-- expand their uses as we encounter them, forcing the remainder of the
+-- input to be re-lexed and re-parsed. GERefs are simply stored for
+-- later retrieval.
+import Prelude hiding (either,maybe,sequence)
+import qualified Prelude (either)
+import Data.Maybe hiding (maybe)
+import Data.List (intersperse) -- debugging only
+import Data.Char (isSpace,isDigit,isHexDigit)
+import Control.Monad hiding (sequence)
+import Numeric (readDec,readHex)
+import Text.XML.HaXml.Types
+import Text.XML.HaXml.Namespaces
+import Text.XML.HaXml.Posn
+import Text.XML.HaXml.Lex
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.State
+import System.FilePath (combine, dropFileName)
+#if ( defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 502 ) || \
+ ( defined(__NHC__) && __NHC__ > 114 ) || defined(__HUGS__)
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+#elif defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
+import IOExts (unsafePerformIO)
+#elif defined(__NHC__)
+import IOExtras (unsafePerformIO)
+#elif defined(__HBC__)
+import UnsafePerformIO
+-- #define DEBUG
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+# if ( defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 502 ) || \
+ ( defined(__NHC__) && __NHC__ > 114 ) || defined(__HUGS__)
+import Debug.Trace(trace)
+# elif defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
+import IOExts(trace)
+# elif defined(__NHC__) || defined(__HBC__)
+import NonStdTrace
+# endif
+v `debug` s = trace s v
+v `debug` s = v
+debug :: a -> String -> a
+-- | To parse a whole document, @xmlParse file content@ takes a filename
+-- (for generating error reports) and the string content of that file.
+-- A parse error causes program failure, with message to stderr.
+xmlParse :: String -> String -> Document Posn
+-- | To parse a whole document, @xmlParse' file content@ takes a filename
+-- (for generating error reports) and the string content of that file.
+-- Any parse error message is passed back to the caller through the
+-- @Either@ type.
+xmlParse' :: String -> String -> Either String (Document Posn)
+-- | To parse just a DTD, @dtdParse file content@ takes a filename
+-- (for generating error reports) and the string content of that
+-- file. If no DTD was found, you get @Nothing@ rather than an error.
+-- However, if a DTD is found but contains errors, the program crashes.
+dtdParse :: String -> String -> Maybe DocTypeDecl
+-- | To parse just a DTD, @dtdParse' file content@ takes a filename
+-- (for generating error reports) and the string content of that
+-- file. If no DTD was found, you get @Right Nothing@.
+-- If a DTD was found but contains errors, you get a @Left message@.
+dtdParse' :: String -> String -> Either String (Maybe DocTypeDecl)
+xmlParse name = Prelude.either error id . xmlParse' name
+dtdParse name = Prelude.either error id . dtdParse' name
+xmlParse' name = fst3 . runParser (toEOF document) emptySTs . xmlLex name
+dtdParse' name = fst3 . runParser justDTD emptySTs . xmlLex name
+toEOF :: XParser a -> XParser a
+toEOF = id -- there are other possible implementations...
+-- | To parse a partial document, e.g. from an XML-based stream protocol,
+-- where you may later want to get more document elements from the same
+-- stream. Arguments are: a parser for the item you want, and the
+-- already-lexed input to parse from. Returns the item you wanted
+-- (or an error message), plus the remainder of the input.
+xmlParseWith :: XParser a -> [(Posn,TokenT)]
+ -> (Either String a, [(Posn,TokenT)])
+xmlParseWith p = (\(v,_,s)->(v,s)) . runParser p emptySTs
+---- Symbol table stuff ----
+type SymTabs = (SymTab PEDef, SymTab EntityDef)
+-- | Some empty symbol tables for GE and PE references.
+emptySTs :: SymTabs
+emptySTs = (emptyST, emptyST)
+addPE :: String -> PEDef -> SymTabs -> SymTabs
+addPE n v (pe,ge) = (addST n v pe, ge)
+addGE :: String -> EntityDef -> SymTabs -> SymTabs
+addGE n v (pe,ge) = let newge = addST n v ge in newge `seq` (pe, newge)
+lookupPE :: String -> SymTabs -> Maybe PEDef
+lookupPE s (pe,_ge) = lookupST s pe
+flattenEV :: EntityValue -> String
+flattenEV (EntityValue evs) = concatMap flatten evs
+ where
+ flatten (EVString s) = s
+ flatten (EVRef (RefEntity r)) = "&" ++r++";"
+ flatten (EVRef (RefChar r)) = "&#"++show r++";"
+ -- flatten (EVPERef n) = "%" ++n++";"
+---- Misc ----
+fst3 :: (a,b,c) -> a
+snd3 :: (a,b,c) -> b
+thd3 :: (a,b,c) -> c
+fst3 (a,_,_) = a
+snd3 (_,a,_) = a
+thd3 (_,_,a) = a
+---- Auxiliary Parsing Functions ----
+-- | XParser is just a specialisation of the PolyState parser.
+type XParser a = Parser SymTabs (Posn,TokenT) a
+-- | Return the next token from the input only if it matches the given token.
+tok :: TokenT -> XParser TokenT
+tok t = do (p,t') <- next
+ case t' of TokError _ -> report failBad (show t) p t'
+ _ | t'==t -> return t
+ | otherwise -> report fail (show t) p t'
+nottok :: [TokenT] -> XParser TokenT
+nottok ts = do (p,t) <- next
+ if t`elem`ts then report fail ("no "++show t) p t
+ else return t
+-- | Return a qualified name (although the namespace qualification is not
+-- processed here; this is merely to get the correct type).
+qname :: XParser QName
+qname = fmap N name
+-- | Return just a name, e.g. element name, attribute name.
+name :: XParser Name
+name = do (p,tok) <- next
+ case tok of
+ TokName s -> return s
+ TokError _ -> report failBad "a name" p tok
+ _ -> report fail "a name" p tok
+string, freetext :: XParser String
+string = do (p,t) <- next
+ case t of TokName s -> return s
+ _ -> report fail "text" p t
+freetext = do (p,t) <- next
+ case t of TokFreeText s -> return s
+ _ -> report fail "text" p t
+maybe :: XParser a -> XParser (Maybe a)
+maybe p =
+ ( p >>= return . Just) `onFail`
+ ( return Nothing)
+either :: XParser a -> XParser b -> XParser (Either a b)
+either p q =
+ ( p >>= return . Left) `onFail`
+ ( q >>= return . Right)
+word :: String -> XParser ()
+word s = do { x <- next
+ ; case x of
+ (_p,TokName n) | s==n -> return ()
+ (_p,TokFreeText n) | s==n -> return ()
+ ( p,t@(TokError _)) -> report failBad (show s) p t
+ ( p,t) -> report fail (show s) p t
+ }
+posn :: XParser Posn
+posn = do { x@(p,_) <- next
+ ; reparse [x]
+ ; return p
+ }
+nmtoken :: XParser NmToken
+nmtoken = (string `onFail` freetext)
+failP, failBadP :: String -> XParser a
+failP msg = do { p <- posn; fail (msg++"\n at "++show p) }
+failBadP msg = do { p <- posn; failBad (msg++"\n at "++show p) }
+report :: (String->XParser a) -> String -> Posn -> TokenT -> XParser a
+report fail expect p t = fail ("Expected "++expect++" but found "++show t
+ ++"\n in "++show p)
+adjustErrP :: XParser a -> (String->String) -> XParser a
+p `adjustErrP` f = p `onFail` do pn <- posn
+ (p `adjustErr` f) `adjustErr` (++show pn)
+peRef :: XParser a -> XParser a
+peRef p =
+ p `onFail`
+ do pn <- posn
+ n <- pereference
+ tr <- stQuery (lookupPE n) `debug` ("Looking up %"++n)
+ case tr of
+ Just (PEDefEntityValue ev) ->
+ do reparse (xmlReLex (posInNewCxt ("macro %"++n++";")
+ (Just pn))
+ (flattenEV ev))
+ `debug` (" defn: "++flattenEV ev)
+ peRef p
+ Just (PEDefExternalID (PUBLIC _ (SystemLiteral f))) ->
+ do let f' = combine (dropFileName $ posnFilename pn) f
+ val = unsafePerformIO (readFile f')
+ reparse (xmlReLex (posInNewCxt f'
+ (Just pn)) val)
+ `debug` (" reading from file "++f')
+ peRef p
+ Just (PEDefExternalID (SYSTEM (SystemLiteral f))) ->
+ do let f' = combine (dropFileName $ posnFilename pn) f
+ val = unsafePerformIO (readFile f')
+ reparse (xmlReLex (posInNewCxt f'
+ (Just pn)) val)
+ `debug` (" reading from file "++f')
+ peRef p
+ Nothing -> fail ("PEReference use before definition: "++"%"++n++";"
+ ++"\n at "++show pn)
+blank :: XParser a -> XParser a
+blank p =
+ p `onFail`
+ do n <- pereference
+ tr <- stQuery (lookupPE n) `debug` ("Looking up %"++n++" (is blank?)")
+ case tr of
+ Just (PEDefEntityValue ev)
+ | all isSpace (flattenEV ev) ->
+ do blank p `debug` "Empty macro definition"
+ Just _ -> failP ("expected a blank PERef macro: "++"%"++n++";")
+ Nothing -> failP ("PEReference use before definition: "++"%"++n++";")
+---- XML Parsing Functions ----
+justDTD :: XParser (Maybe DocTypeDecl)
+justDTD =
+ do (ExtSubset _ ds) <- extsubset `debug` "Trying external subset"
+ if null ds then fail "empty"
+ else return (Just (DTD (N "extsubset") Nothing (concatMap extract ds)))
+ `onFail`
+ do (Prolog _ _ dtd _) <- prolog
+ return dtd
+ where extract (ExtMarkupDecl m) = [m]
+ extract (ExtConditionalSect (IncludeSect i)) = concatMap extract i
+ extract (ExtConditionalSect (IgnoreSect _i)) = []
+-- | Return an entire XML document including prolog and trailing junk.
+document :: XParser (Document Posn)
+document = do
+ p <- prolog `adjustErr` ("unrecognisable XML prolog\n"++)
+ e <- element
+ ms <- many misc
+ (_,ge) <- stGet
+ return (Document p ge e ms)
+-- | Return an XML comment.
+comment :: XParser Comment
+comment = do
+ bracket (tok TokCommentOpen) (tok TokCommentClose) freetext
+-- tok TokCommentOpen
+-- commit $ do
+-- c <- freetext
+-- tok TokCommentClose
+-- return c
+-- | Parse a processing instruction.
+processinginstruction :: XParser ProcessingInstruction
+processinginstruction = do
+ tok TokPIOpen
+ commit $ do
+ n <- string `onFail` failP "processing instruction has no target"
+ f <- freetext
+ tok TokPIClose `onFail` failP ("missing ?> in <?"++n)
+ return (n, f)
+cdsect :: XParser CDSect
+cdsect = do
+ tok TokSectionOpen
+ bracket (tok (TokSection CDATAx)) (commit $ tok TokSectionClose) chardata
+prolog :: XParser Prolog
+prolog = do
+ x <- maybe xmldecl
+ m1 <- many misc
+ dtd <- maybe doctypedecl
+ m2 <- many misc
+ return (Prolog x m1 dtd m2)
+xmldecl :: XParser XMLDecl
+xmldecl = do
+ tok TokPIOpen
+ (word "xml" `onFail` word "XML")
+ p <- posn
+ s <- freetext
+ tok TokPIClose `onFail` failBadP "missing ?> in <?xml ...?>"
+ raise ((runParser aux emptySTs . xmlReLex p) s)
+ where
+ aux = do
+ v <- versioninfo `onFail` failP "missing XML version info"
+ e <- maybe encodingdecl
+ s <- maybe sddecl
+ return (XMLDecl v e s)
+ raise (Left err, _, _) = failP err
+ raise (Right ok, _, _) = return ok
+versioninfo :: XParser VersionInfo
+versioninfo = do
+ (word "version" `onFail` word "VERSION")
+ tok TokEqual
+ bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext
+misc :: XParser Misc
+misc =
+ oneOf' [ ("<!--comment-->", comment >>= return . Comment)
+ , ("<?PI?>", processinginstruction >>= return . PI)
+ ]
+-- | Return a DOCTYPE decl, indicating a DTD.
+doctypedecl :: XParser DocTypeDecl
+doctypedecl = do
+ tok TokSpecialOpen
+ tok (TokSpecial DOCTYPEx)
+ commit $ do
+ n <- qname
+ eid <- maybe externalid
+ es <- maybe (bracket (tok TokSqOpen) (commit $ tok TokSqClose)
+ (many (peRef markupdecl)))
+ blank (tok TokAnyClose) `onFail` failP "missing > in DOCTYPE decl"
+ return (DTD n eid (case es of { Nothing -> []; Just e -> e }))
+-- | Return a DTD markup decl, e.g. ELEMENT, ATTLIST, etc
+markupdecl :: XParser MarkupDecl
+markupdecl =
+ oneOf' [ ("ELEMENT", elementdecl >>= return . Element)
+ , ("ATTLIST", attlistdecl >>= return . AttList)
+ , ("ENTITY", entitydecl >>= return . Entity)
+ , ("NOTATION", notationdecl >>= return . Notation)
+ , ("misc", misc >>= return . MarkupMisc)
+ ]
+ `adjustErrP`
+ ("when looking for a markup decl,\n"++)
+ -- (\ (ELEMENT, ATTLIST, ENTITY, NOTATION, <!--comment-->, or <?PI?>")
+extsubset :: XParser ExtSubset
+extsubset = do
+ td <- maybe textdecl
+ ds <- many (peRef extsubsetdecl)
+ return (ExtSubset td ds)
+extsubsetdecl :: XParser ExtSubsetDecl
+extsubsetdecl =
+ ( markupdecl >>= return . ExtMarkupDecl) `onFail`
+ ( conditionalsect >>= return . ExtConditionalSect)
+sddecl :: XParser SDDecl
+sddecl = do
+ (word "standalone" `onFail` word "STANDALONE")
+ commit $ do
+ tok TokEqual `onFail` failP "missing = in 'standalone' decl"
+ bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote)
+ ( (word "yes" >> return True) `onFail`
+ (word "no" >> return False) `onFail`
+ failP "'standalone' decl requires 'yes' or 'no' value" )
+element :: XParser (Element Posn)
+element = do
+ tok TokAnyOpen
+ (ElemTag n as) <- elemtag
+ oneOf' [ ("self-closing tag <"++n++"/>"
+ , do tok TokEndClose
+ return (Elem n as []))
+ , ("after open tag <"++n++">"
+ , do tok TokAnyClose
+ cs <- many content
+ p <- posn
+ m <- bracket (tok TokEndOpen) (commit $ tok TokAnyClose) qname
+ checkmatch p n m
+ return (Elem n as cs))
+ ] `adjustErr` (("in element tag "++n++",\n")++)
+-- | Return a complete element including all its inner content.
+element :: XParser (Element Posn)
+element = do
+ tok TokAnyOpen
+ (ElemTag n as) <- elemtag
+ ( do tok TokEndClose
+ commit (return (Elem n as []))
+ `onFail`
+ do tok TokAnyClose
+ commit $ do
+ return (Elem n as) `apply`
+ manyFinally content
+ (do p <- posn
+ m <- bracket (tok TokEndOpen)
+ (commit $ tok TokAnyClose) qname
+ checkmatch p n m)
+ ) `adjustErrBad` (("in element tag "++printableName n++",\n")++)
+checkmatch :: Posn -> QName -> QName -> XParser ()
+checkmatch p n m =
+ if n == m then return ()
+ else failBad ("tag <"++printableName n++"> terminated by </"++printableName m
+ ++">\n at "++show p)
+-- | Parse only the parts between angle brackets in an element tag.
+elemtag :: XParser ElemTag
+elemtag = do
+ n <- qname `adjustErrBad` ("malformed element tag\n"++)
+ as <- many attribute
+ return (ElemTag n as)
+-- | For use with stream parsers - returns the complete opening element tag.
+elemOpenTag :: XParser ElemTag
+elemOpenTag = do
+ tok TokAnyOpen
+ e <- elemtag
+ tok TokAnyClose
+ return e
+-- | For use with stream parsers - accepts a closing tag, provided it
+-- matches the given element name.
+elemCloseTag :: QName -> XParser ()
+elemCloseTag n = do
+ tok TokEndOpen
+ p <- posn
+ m <- qname
+ tok TokAnyClose
+ checkmatch p n m
+attribute :: XParser Attribute
+attribute = do
+ n <- qname `adjustErr` ("malformed attribute name\n"++)
+ tok TokEqual `onFail` failBadP "missing = in attribute"
+ v <- attvalue `onFail` failBadP "missing attvalue"
+ return (n,v)
+-- | Return a content particle, e.g. text, element, reference, etc
+content :: XParser (Content Posn)
+content =
+ do { p <- posn
+ ; c' <- content'
+ ; return (c' p)
+ }
+ where
+ content' = oneOf' [ ("element", element >>= return . CElem)
+ , ("chardata", chardata >>= return . CString False)
+ , ("reference", reference >>= return . CRef)
+ , ("CDATA", cdsect >>= return . CString True)
+ , ("misc", misc >>= return . CMisc)
+ ]
+ `adjustErrP` ("when looking for a content item,\n"++)
+-- (\ (element, text, reference, CDATA section, <!--comment-->, or <?PI?>")
+elementdecl :: XParser ElementDecl
+elementdecl = do
+ tok TokSpecialOpen
+ tok (TokSpecial ELEMENTx)
+ n <- peRef qname `adjustErrBad` ("expecting identifier in ELEMENT decl\n"++)
+ c <- peRef contentspec
+ `adjustErrBad` (("in content spec of ELEMENT decl: "
+ ++printableName n++"\n")++)
+ blank (tok TokAnyClose) `onFail` failBadP
+ ("expected > terminating ELEMENT decl"
+ ++"\n element name was "++show (printableName n)
+ ++"\n contentspec was "++(\ (ContentSpec p)-> debugShowCP p) c)
+ return (ElementDecl n c)
+contentspec :: XParser ContentSpec
+contentspec =
+ oneOf' [ ("EMPTY", peRef (word "EMPTY") >> return EMPTY)
+ , ("ANY", peRef (word "ANY") >> return ANY)
+ , ("mixed", peRef mixed >>= return . Mixed)
+ , ("simple", peRef cp >>= return . ContentSpec)
+ ]
+ -- `adjustErr` ("when looking for content spec,\n"++)
+ -- `adjustErr` (++"\nLooking for content spec (EMPTY, ANY, mixed, etc)")
+choice :: XParser [CP]
+choice = do
+ bracket (tok TokBraOpen `debug` "Trying choice")
+ (blank (tok TokBraClose `debug` "Succeeded with choice"))
+ (peRef cp `sepBy1` blank (tok TokPipe))
+sequence :: XParser [CP]
+sequence = do
+ bracket (tok TokBraOpen `debug` "Trying sequence")
+ (blank (tok TokBraClose `debug` "Succeeded with sequence"))
+ (peRef cp `sepBy1` blank (tok TokComma))
+cp :: XParser CP
+cp = oneOf [ ( do n <- qname
+ m <- modifier
+ let c = TagName n m
+ return c `debug` ("ContentSpec: name "++debugShowCP c))
+ , ( do ss <- sequence
+ m <- modifier
+ let c = Seq ss m
+ return c `debug` ("ContentSpec: sequence "++debugShowCP c))
+ , ( do cs <- choice
+ m <- modifier
+ let c = Choice cs m
+ return c `debug` ("ContentSpec: choice "++debugShowCP c))
+ ] `adjustErr` (++"\nwhen looking for a content particle")
+modifier :: XParser Modifier
+modifier = oneOf [ ( tok TokStar >> return Star )
+ , ( tok TokQuery >> return Query )
+ , ( tok TokPlus >> return Plus )
+ , ( return None )
+ ]
+-- just for debugging
+debugShowCP :: CP -> String
+debugShowCP cp = case cp of
+ TagName n m -> printableName n++debugShowModifier m
+ Choice cps m -> '(': concat (intersperse "|" (map debugShowCP cps))++")"++debugShowModifier m
+ Seq cps m -> '(': concat (intersperse "," (map debugShowCP cps))++")"++debugShowModifier m
+debugShowModifier :: Modifier -> String
+debugShowModifier modifier = case modifier of
+ None -> ""
+ Query -> "?"
+ Star -> "*"
+ Plus -> "+"
+mixed :: XParser Mixed
+mixed = do
+ tok TokBraOpen
+ peRef (do tok TokHash
+ word "PCDATA")
+ commit $
+ oneOf [ ( do cs <- many (peRef (do tok TokPipe
+ peRef qname))
+ blank (tok TokBraClose >> tok TokStar)
+ return (PCDATAplus cs))
+ , ( blank (tok TokBraClose >> tok TokStar) >> return PCDATA)
+ , ( blank (tok TokBraClose) >> return PCDATA)
+ ]
+ `adjustErrP` (++"\nLooking for mixed content spec (#PCDATA | ...)*\n")
+attlistdecl :: XParser AttListDecl
+attlistdecl = do
+ tok TokSpecialOpen
+ tok (TokSpecial ATTLISTx)
+ n <- peRef qname `adjustErrBad` ("expecting identifier in ATTLIST\n"++)
+ ds <- peRef (many1 (peRef attdef))
+ blank (tok TokAnyClose) `onFail` failBadP "missing > terminating ATTLIST"
+ return (AttListDecl n ds)
+attdef :: XParser AttDef
+attdef =
+ do n <- peRef qname `adjustErr` ("expecting attribute name\n"++)
+ t <- peRef atttype `adjustErr` (("within attlist defn: "
+ ++printableName n++",\n")++)
+ d <- peRef defaultdecl `adjustErr` (("in attlist defn: "
+ ++printableName n++",\n")++)
+ return (AttDef n t d)
+atttype :: XParser AttType
+atttype =
+ oneOf' [ ("CDATA", word "CDATA" >> return StringType)
+ , ("tokenized", tokenizedtype >>= return . TokenizedType)
+ , ("enumerated", enumeratedtype >>= return . EnumeratedType)
+ ]
+ `adjustErr` ("looking for ATTTYPE,\n"++)
+ -- `adjustErr` (++"\nLooking for ATTTYPE (CDATA, tokenized, or enumerated")
+tokenizedtype :: XParser TokenizedType
+tokenizedtype =
+ oneOf [ ( word "ID" >> return ID)
+ , ( word "IDREF" >> return IDREF)
+ , ( word "IDREFS" >> return IDREFS)
+ , ( word "ENTITY" >> return ENTITY)
+ , ( word "ENTITIES" >> return ENTITIES)
+ , ( word "NMTOKEN" >> return NMTOKEN)
+ , ( word "NMTOKENS" >> return NMTOKENS)
+ ] `onFail`
+ do { t <- next
+ ; failP ("Expected one of"
+ ++"\nbut got "++show t)
+ }
+enumeratedtype :: XParser EnumeratedType
+enumeratedtype =
+ oneOf' [ ("NOTATION", notationtype >>= return . NotationType)
+ , ("enumerated", enumeration >>= return . Enumeration)
+ ]
+ `adjustErr` ("looking for an enumerated or NOTATION type,\n"++)
+notationtype :: XParser NotationType
+notationtype = do
+ word "NOTATION"
+ bracket (tok TokBraOpen) (commit $ blank $ tok TokBraClose)
+ (peRef name `sepBy1` peRef (tok TokPipe))
+enumeration :: XParser Enumeration
+enumeration =
+ bracket (tok TokBraOpen) (commit $ blank $ tok TokBraClose)
+ (peRef nmtoken `sepBy1` blank (peRef (tok TokPipe)))
+defaultdecl :: XParser DefaultDecl
+defaultdecl =
+ oneOf' [ ("REQUIRED", tok TokHash >> word "REQUIRED" >> return REQUIRED)
+ , ("IMPLIED", tok TokHash >> word "IMPLIED" >> return IMPLIED)
+ , ("FIXED", do f <- maybe (tok TokHash >> word "FIXED"
+ >> return FIXED)
+ a <- peRef attvalue
+ return (DefaultTo a f) )
+ ]
+ `adjustErr` ("looking for an attribute default decl,\n"++)
+conditionalsect :: XParser ConditionalSect
+conditionalsect = oneOf'
+ [ ( "INCLUDE"
+ , do tok TokSectionOpen
+ peRef (tok (TokSection INCLUDEx))
+ p <- posn
+ tok TokSqOpen `onFail` failBadP "missing [ after INCLUDE"
+ i <- many (peRef extsubsetdecl)
+ tok TokSectionClose
+ `onFail` failBadP ("missing ]]> for INCLUDE section"
+ ++"\n begun at "++show p)
+ return (IncludeSect i))
+ , ( "IGNORE"
+ , do tok TokSectionOpen
+ peRef (tok (TokSection IGNOREx))
+ p <- posn
+ tok TokSqOpen `onFail` failBadP "missing [ after IGNORE"
+ many newIgnore -- many ignoresectcontents
+ tok TokSectionClose
+ `onFail` failBadP ("missing ]]> for IGNORE section"
+ ++"\n begun at "++show p)
+ return (IgnoreSect []))
+ ] `adjustErr` ("in a conditional section,\n"++)
+newIgnore :: XParser Ignore
+newIgnore =
+ ( do tok TokSectionOpen
+ many newIgnore `debug` "IGNORING conditional section"
+ tok TokSectionClose
+ return Ignore `debug` "end of IGNORED conditional section") `onFail`
+ ( do t <- nottok [TokSectionOpen,TokSectionClose]
+ return Ignore `debug` ("ignoring: "++show t))
+--- obsolete?
+--ignoresectcontents :: XParser IgnoreSectContents
+--ignoresectcontents = do
+-- i <- ignore
+-- is <- many (do tok TokSectionOpen
+-- ic <- ignoresectcontents
+-- tok TokSectionClose
+-- ig <- ignore
+-- return (ic,ig))
+-- return (IgnoreSectContents i is)
+--ignore :: XParser Ignore
+--ignore = do
+-- is <- many1 (nottok [TokSectionOpen,TokSectionClose])
+-- return Ignore `debug` ("ignored all of: "++show is)
+-- | Return either a general entity reference, or a character reference.
+reference :: XParser Reference
+reference = do
+ bracket (tok TokAmp) (tok TokSemi) (freetext >>= val)
+ where
+ val ('#':'x':i) | all isHexDigit i
+ = return . RefChar . fst . head . readHex $ i
+ val ('#':i) | all isDigit i
+ = return . RefChar . fst . head . readDec $ i
+ val name = return . RefEntity $ name
+{- -- following is incorrect
+reference =
+ ( charref >>= return . RefChar) `onFail`
+ ( entityref >>= return . RefEntity)
+entityref :: XParser EntityRef
+entityref = do
+ bracket (tok TokAmp) (commit $ tok TokSemi) name
+charref :: XParser CharRef
+charref = do
+ bracket (tok TokAmp) (commit $ tok TokSemi) (freetext >>= readCharVal)
+ where
+ readCharVal ('#':'x':i) = return . fst . head . readHex $ i
+ readCharVal ('#':i) = return . fst . head . readDec $ i
+ readCharVal _ = mzero
+pereference :: XParser PEReference
+pereference = do
+ bracket (tok TokPercent) (tok TokSemi) nmtoken
+entitydecl :: XParser EntityDecl
+entitydecl =
+ ( gedecl >>= return . EntityGEDecl) `onFail`
+ ( pedecl >>= return . EntityPEDecl)
+gedecl :: XParser GEDecl
+gedecl = do
+ tok TokSpecialOpen
+ tok (TokSpecial ENTITYx)
+ n <- name
+ e <- entitydef `adjustErrBad` (("in general entity defn "++n++",\n")++)
+ tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failBadP ("expected > terminating G ENTITY decl "++n)
+ stUpdate (addGE n e) `debug` ("added GE defn &"++n++";")
+ return (GEDecl n e)
+pedecl :: XParser PEDecl
+pedecl = do
+ tok TokSpecialOpen
+ tok (TokSpecial ENTITYx)
+ tok TokPercent
+ n <- name
+ e <- pedef `adjustErrBad` (("in parameter entity defn "++n++",\n")++)
+ tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failBadP ("expected > terminating P ENTITY decl "++n)
+ stUpdate (addPE n e) `debug` ("added PE defn %"++n++";\n"++show e)
+ return (PEDecl n e)
+entitydef :: XParser EntityDef
+entitydef =
+ oneOf' [ ("entityvalue", entityvalue >>= return . DefEntityValue)
+ , ("external", do eid <- externalid
+ ndd <- maybe ndatadecl
+ return (DefExternalID eid ndd))
+ ]
+pedef :: XParser PEDef
+pedef =
+ oneOf' [ ("entityvalue", entityvalue >>= return . PEDefEntityValue)
+ , ("externalid", externalid >>= return . PEDefExternalID)
+ ]
+externalid :: XParser ExternalID
+externalid =
+ oneOf' [ ("SYSTEM", do word "SYSTEM"
+ s <- systemliteral
+ return (SYSTEM s) )
+ , ("PUBLIC", do word "PUBLIC"
+ p <- pubidliteral
+ s <- systemliteral
+ return (PUBLIC p s) )
+ ]
+ `adjustErr` ("looking for an external id,\n"++)
+ndatadecl :: XParser NDataDecl
+ndatadecl = do
+ word "NDATA"
+ n <- name
+ return (NDATA n)
+textdecl :: XParser TextDecl
+textdecl = do
+ tok TokPIOpen
+ (word "xml" `onFail` word "XML")
+ v <- maybe versioninfo
+ e <- encodingdecl
+ tok TokPIClose `onFail` failP "expected ?> terminating text decl"
+ return (TextDecl v e)
+--extparsedent :: XParser (ExtParsedEnt Posn)
+--extparsedent = do
+-- t <- maybe textdecl
+-- c <- content
+-- return (ExtParsedEnt t c)
+--extpe :: XParser ExtPE
+--extpe = do
+-- t <- maybe textdecl
+-- e <- many (peRef extsubsetdecl)
+-- return (ExtPE t e)
+encodingdecl :: XParser EncodingDecl
+encodingdecl = do
+ (word "encoding" `onFail` word "ENCODING")
+ tok TokEqual `onFail` failBadP "expected = in 'encoding' decl"
+ f <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext
+ return (EncodingDecl f)
+notationdecl :: XParser NotationDecl
+notationdecl = do
+ tok TokSpecialOpen
+ tok (TokSpecial NOTATIONx)
+ n <- name
+ e <- either externalid publicid
+ tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failBadP ("expected > terminating NOTATION decl "++n)
+ return (NOTATION n e)
+publicid :: XParser PublicID
+publicid = do
+ word "PUBLIC"
+ p <- pubidliteral
+ return (PUBLICID p)
+entityvalue :: XParser EntityValue
+entityvalue = do
+ -- evs <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) (many (peRef ev))
+ tok TokQuote
+ pn <- posn
+ evs <- many ev
+ tok TokQuote `onFail` failBadP "expected quote to terminate entityvalue"
+ -- quoted text must be rescanned for possible PERefs
+ st <- stGet
+ Prelude.either failBad (return . EntityValue) . fst3 $
+ (runParser (many ev) st
+ (reLexEntityValue (\s-> stringify (lookupPE s st))
+ pn
+ (flattenEV (EntityValue evs))))
+ where
+ stringify (Just (PEDefEntityValue ev)) = Just (flattenEV ev)
+ stringify _ = Nothing
+ev :: XParser EV
+ev =
+ oneOf' [ ("string", (string`onFail`freetext) >>= return . EVString)
+ , ("reference", reference >>= return . EVRef)
+ ]
+ `adjustErr` ("looking for entity value,\n"++)
+attvalue :: XParser AttValue
+attvalue = do
+ avs <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote)
+ (many (either freetext reference))
+ return (AttValue avs)
+systemliteral :: XParser SystemLiteral
+systemliteral = do
+ s <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext
+ return (SystemLiteral s) -- note: refs &...; not permitted
+pubidliteral :: XParser PubidLiteral
+pubidliteral = do
+ s <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext
+ return (PubidLiteral s) -- note: freetext is too liberal here
+-- | Return parsed freetext (i.e. until the next markup)
+chardata :: XParser CharData
+chardata = freetext