path: root/Foundation.hs
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authorClint Adams <>2015-04-24 12:53:02 -0400
committerClint Adams <>2015-04-24 12:53:02 -0400
commit62597317839c7945bfbc4b7a00f55d2db6459ab6 (patch)
tree6ad8c079d5eea66b05326d435e30cc2b1de43266 /Foundation.hs
Finally put pfifcontractors into gitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'Foundation.hs')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Foundation.hs b/Foundation.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a14fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Foundation.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+module Foundation
+ ( App (..)
+ , Route (..)
+ , AppMessage (..)
+ , resourcesApp
+ , Handler
+ , Widget
+ , Form
+ , maybeAuth
+ , requireAuth
+ , module Settings
+ , module Model
+ ) where
+import Prelude
+import Yesod
+import Yesod.Static
+import Yesod.Auth
+import Yesod.Auth.HashDB (authHashDB, HashDBUser(..), getAuthIdHashDB, setPassword)
+import Yesod.Default.Config
+import Yesod.Default.Util (addStaticContentExternal)
+import Yesod.Logger (Logger, logMsg, formatLogText)
+import Control.Monad (join)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
+import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
+import Data.Traversable (traverse)
+import Network.HTTP.Conduit (Manager)
+import qualified Settings
+import qualified Database.Persist.Store
+import Settings.StaticFiles
+import Database.Persist.GenericSql
+import Settings (widgetFile, Extra (..))
+import Model
+import Text.Jasmine (minifym)
+import Web.ClientSession (getKey)
+import Text.Hamlet (hamletFile)
+-- | The site argument for your application. This can be a good place to
+-- keep settings and values requiring initialization before your application
+-- starts running, such as database connections. Every handler will have
+-- access to the data present here.
+data App = App
+ { settings :: AppConfig DefaultEnv Extra
+ , getLogger :: Logger
+ , getStatic :: Static -- ^ Settings for static file serving.
+ , connPool :: Database.Persist.Store.PersistConfigPool Settings.PersistConfig -- ^ Database connection pool.
+ , httpManager :: Manager
+ , persistConfig :: Settings.PersistConfig
+ }
+-- Set up i18n messages. See the message folder.
+mkMessage "App" "messages" "en"
+-- This is where we define all of the routes in our application. For a full
+-- explanation of the syntax, please see:
+-- This function does three things:
+-- * Creates the route datatype AppRoute. Every valid URL in your
+-- application can be represented as a value of this type.
+-- * Creates the associated type:
+-- type instance Route App = AppRoute
+-- * Creates the value resourcesApp which contains information on the
+-- resources declared below. This is used in Handler.hs by the call to
+-- mkYesodDispatch
+-- What this function does *not* do is create a YesodSite instance for
+-- App. Creating that instance requires all of the handler functions
+-- for our application to be in scope. However, the handler functions
+-- usually require access to the AppRoute datatype. Therefore, we
+-- split these actions into two functions and place them in separate files.
+mkYesodData "App" $(parseRoutesFile "config/routes")
+type Form x = Html -> MForm App App (FormResult x, Widget)
+-- Please see the documentation for the Yesod typeclass. There are a number
+-- of settings which can be configured by overriding methods here.
+instance Yesod App where
+ approot = ApprootMaster $ appRoot . settings
+ -- Store session data on the client in encrypted cookies,
+ -- default session idle timeout is 120 minutes
+ makeSessionBackend _ = do
+ key <- getKey "config/client_session_key.aes"
+ return . Just $ clientSessionBackend key 120
+ defaultLayout widget = do
+ master <- getYesod
+ mmsg <- getMessage
+ -- We break up the default layout into two components:
+ -- default-layout is the contents of the body tag, and
+ -- default-layout-wrapper is the entire page. Since the final
+ -- value passed to hamletToRepHtml cannot be a widget, this allows
+ -- you to use normal widget features in default-layout.
+ pc <- widgetToPageContent $ do
+ $(widgetFile "normalize")
+ addStylesheet $ StaticR css_bootstrap_css
+ $(widgetFile "default-layout")
+ hamletToRepHtml $(hamletFile "templates/default-layout-wrapper.hamlet")
+ -- This is done to provide an optimization for serving static files from
+ -- a separate domain. Please see the staticRoot setting in Settings.hs
+ urlRenderOverride y (StaticR s) =
+ Just $ uncurry (joinPath y (Settings.staticRoot $ settings y)) $ renderRoute s
+ urlRenderOverride _ _ = Nothing
+ -- The page to be redirected to when authentication is required.
+ authRoute _ = Just $ AuthR LoginR
+ messageLogger y loc level msg =
+ formatLogText (getLogger y) loc level msg >>= logMsg (getLogger y)
+ -- This function creates static content files in the static folder
+ -- and names them based on a hash of their content. This allows
+ -- expiration dates to be set far in the future without worry of
+ -- users receiving stale content.
+ addStaticContent = addStaticContentExternal minifym base64md5 Settings.staticDir (StaticR . flip StaticRoute [])
+ -- Place Javascript at bottom of the body tag so the rest of the page loads first
+ jsLoader _ = BottomOfBody
+ -- isAuthorized MeR _ = return AuthenticationRequired
+ isAuthorized _ _ = return Authorized
+-- How to run database actions.
+instance YesodPersist App where
+ type YesodPersistBackend App = SqlPersist
+ runDB f = do
+ master <- getYesod
+ Database.Persist.Store.runPool
+ (persistConfig master)
+ f
+ (connPool master)
+instance YesodAuth App where
+ type AuthId App = UserId
+ -- Where to send a user after successful login
+ loginDest _ = HomeR
+ -- Where to send a user after logout
+ logoutDest _ = HomeR
+ getAuthId = getAuthIdHashDB AuthR (Just . UniqueUser)
+ authPlugins _ = [authHashDB (Just . UniqueUser)]
+ authHttpManager = httpManager
+-- This instance is required to use forms. You can modify renderMessage to
+-- achieve customized and internationalized form validation messages.
+instance RenderMessage App FormMessage where
+ renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage
+instance HashDBUser (UserGeneric backend) where
+ userPasswordHash = Just . userPassword
+ userPasswordSalt = Just . userSalt
+ setSaltAndPasswordHash s h u = u { userSalt = s
+ , userPassword = h
+ }
+-- Note: previous versions of the scaffolding included a deliver function to
+-- send emails. Unfortunately, there are too many different options for us to
+-- give a reasonable default. Instead, the information is available on the
+-- wiki:
+ getVerifyKey = runDB . fmap (join . fmap emailVerkey) . get
+ setVerifyKey eid key = runDB $ update eid [EmailVerkey =. Just key]
+ verifyAccount eid = runDB $ do
+ me <- get eid
+ case me of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just e -> do
+ now <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
+ update eid [EmailVerkey =. Nothing, EmailLastverified =. Just now]
+ return $ emailUser e
+ getPassword = runDB . fmap (join . fmap userPassword) . get
+ setPassword uid pass = runDB $ update uid [UserPassword =. Just pass]
+ getEmailCreds email = runDB $ do
+ me <- getBy $ UniqueEmail email
+ mu <- fmap join . traverse get $ (emailUser . entityVal =<< me)
+ case mu of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just u -> return $ Just EmailCreds
+ { emailCredsId = entityKey . fromJust $ me
+ , emailCredsAuthId = emailUser . entityVal =<< me
+ , emailCredsStatus = isJust $ userPassword u
+ , emailCredsVerkey = emailVerkey . entityVal . fromJust $ me
+ }
+ getEmail = runDB . fmap (fmap emailEmail) . get