path: root/Hledger/JournalCSVs.hs
diff options
authorDaniel Gnoutcheff <>2016-05-27 16:00:00 -0400
committerDaniel Gnoutcheff <>2018-09-26 18:11:11 -0400
commita1a17acb326020f1b57f587230cb439e901784df (patch)
tree358a1ea916a242609a981ff46e2a6814a2208cec /Hledger/JournalCSVs.hs
parentf1a294e5ddb8ae0ccdcef1a12561e603ff996cfe (diff)
Ported to Debian jessie
Most of the churn here comes from rebasing the Yesod boilerplate.
Diffstat (limited to 'Hledger/JournalCSVs.hs')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Hledger/JournalCSVs.hs b/Hledger/JournalCSVs.hs
index b7d5420..1d5ac5f 100644
--- a/Hledger/JournalCSVs.hs
+++ b/Hledger/JournalCSVs.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Journal (journalProfitAndLossAccountQuery, journalAssetAccou
import Hledger.Data.Types (DateSpan(..), Journal(..), Transaction(..))
import Hledger.Query (Query(..))
import Hledger.Read (readJournalFile)
-import Hledger.Reports (accountsReport, defreportopts, ReportOpts(..))
+import Hledger.Reports (balanceReport, defreportopts, ReportOpts(..))
data JReportType = PandL | Assets | Liabilities | Everything
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
@@ -82,12 +82,11 @@ jToCSV delta jnl q = do
lastMonth = dayToYearMonth lastTxn
q' mon = And [q, Date (dS delta mon)]
when (firstMonth == lastMonth) $ error "Need multiple months"
- let reports = map (\m -> accountsReport defreportopts { no_elide_ = True } (q' m) jnl) [firstMonth..lastMonth]
- reportT = accountsReport defreportopts { no_elide_ = True } Any jnl
- reports' = map (map (\(n, _, _, a) -> (n, showMixedAmount a)) . fst) reports
- reportT' = (map (\(n, _, _, a) -> (n, showMixedAmount a)) . fst) reportT
+ let reports = map (\m -> balanceReport defreportopts { no_elide_ = True } (q' m) jnl) [firstMonth..lastMonth]
+ reportT = balanceReport defreportopts { no_elide_ = True } Any jnl
+ reports' = map (map (\((n, _, _), a) -> (n, showMixedAmount a)) . fst) reports
+ reportT' = (map (\((n, _, _), a) -> (n, showMixedAmount a)) . fst) reportT
allaccounts = sort . nub . (map fst =<<) $ reports'
- accounttree = accts2Tree (map (splitOn ":") allaccounts)
concordant = map (\x -> x : fetchSeries reports' x ++ fetchSeries [reportT'] x) allaccounts
withheader = ("Account":map (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%b of %Y" . yearMonthToDay) [firstMonth..lastMonth] ++ ["Period Total"]):concordant
c <- runResourceT $ CL.sourceList withheader $= (map T.pack) $= fromCSV defCSVSettings $$ CL.consume